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Stronghold Crusader English Language Pack VERIFIED

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Stronghold Crusader English Language Pack

IiIII6 THE T TKEWASKINGTON II E WASHINGTON WAS HI N G TON HEBALD HER HRALDPRIDAY A L D FEIDAY F R ID A Y DECEMBER DE 0 E B E It 21 2 1 1806 1 9 0 6THE WASHINGTON HERALD HERALDPiUftlied HERALDP HERALDiL1JPiUftlied P iL1J 1Jfs1ud Every Morning in th tlus ti Year Y ur by byTHE byTlE byTHETHE TlE WASHINGTON HERALD COMPANY COMPANYPuUkauen COMPANYPu COMPANYubcaiezPuUkauen Pu ubcaiez lial e11 Office Office1M734 FIFTEENTH STREET NORTHWEST NORTHWESTEntered NORTHWEStEDtiJ JEMerdEntered EDt d as iccMtdciawi matter aUer October 5 ISM mt mtt att a atbetbe t K postoffira at WufthictoB D I U C tadcr Mer act at atCngrecsaf 6fcgren e et4gresofCngrecsaf cgren ef March 3 3 MR MRSCOTT 1BJ9SCOTT 139SCOTTSCOTT C C BONE Editor EditorEraeit EJ1rErnest 1I1er 1I1erEraestErnest H Mcrrick Treasurer and nd Btuineti Manager ManagerQtrence MUlIC MUlICCarena MinagerCreDce d to t no noparticular 110pah nopatIcuIrparticular pah cular aectkm RetJonof ice ou of tbe country for forthe ferthe forthethe oampiaiftts njplaliits of shippers are Heart far farand frand farandand wide The coKtmisston in its Itsnual an annual a anual nual report nport tINs summarise the exist existing exttltJrlJ exlntln ing JrlJ ln conditions conditionscteMtt e conditionsTh1 Th ndIti J Jwith niokr a awithwith the 1d hI i price oIIitaiIIaWe o Ia1mk fw all alleta 5 5eliweta eliw of mdltI5a maiatiiHtiff hw e so JDtioa urtanarttd prahw prahwtion posatinetine ac to rtttd lsl4 a TOKHM T of tntacpartattaa traMportaUeahids Imjiuea ImjiueauhJch bealnesaahIchuhJch hids far exceed ia the aajsresate tile tilecspdtr cttnyiae cttnyiaecapacity camrInscat1capacity of the MOntd 18 I Imore Ia a iesd tM tMBK ilendsp ilendspeHtBK eHt t prin te ndeMe7 bee of o late JateJMfe bee ac acoemore oe M NIIit p M thaa u th tIN inafwrn of n r Oway r mrtiannt mrtianntinavsMewt I sitIn nit nitIIIIII me mHS it is bepIy a It fill m can rs ia otINn otINninll othaainmdeatinavsMewt inll llllu t traeks and MMtiw poww te fUH other etbcnwholly IenhoUr otherwhollywholly hoUr iwMkfiMte tmt MIIttt U st TWOS aad a ienamai leniN faciatie leniNtieatieL tietieIfIf tbe sol 30Ie canoe of the present pre ent troubles troublesof troublesof troublesofof the shippers is inauffifctent railway railwayequipment raUwayequtpment railwayequlpaentequipment it is 1 obvious that no immediate immediateremedy Immediateremedy immediateremedyremedy can it be found for such equipment equipmentcannot tclIlAtIItcannot oquisaentcannotcannot be provided in a day Immense Immensesums Immensesums e esumssums are now being betn expended in rail railway railway railway way construction coutruetton in providing modious terminal tenatuala and in additions to torollingstock toroIUnsstock torollingstockrollingstock Mere selfInterest eIfhat > would wouldl wouldlead wouldleadlead l ad the railroads rail to Increase their equip equipment equipment enuipinent ment if not considerations of public con convenience convenience convenlence venience Plenty of evidence exists exJ xiit hi that thataelfiatereat tbatselflnterNt thatzelfinterestaelfiatereat has ha so operated o ted and many manyof JUnyot manyofof the railroads have been making IIIk nsakln stren strenuous HreDUOU8 etrenurnis uous efforts to keep pace imc with th UN indus industrial 1 1trtaJ liadusthai trial boom boomBut boomBut boomButBut there is another aide to the car carshortage earshortage r rzhortagsshortage problem which aeems to reflect reflectupon relectupon reectuponupon railway raU management It to assert asserted asserted aseerted ed and apparently admitted by railway railwaymen railwaymen railwaymenmen men that freight oars O are re moved leas leasrapidly leArapidly leesrapidlyrapidly than formerly that thousands of ofthem otthem ofthemthem are confiscated by lines I owning In Insufficient Iftsuftlclent ineuflicient sufficient equipment and that other thou thousands thouMnM thousands sands are tied UD by consignees co consgnees lilgnees who use useth UNthem usethemthem th m jot toP storage purposes pur purposeathat that in a aword aword awordword the present equipment of rolling rollingstock roIllngtoek rollingstockstock toek is not made use of to its full ca capacity capacity capacity pacity Senator tor Hansbroughs Han broUCb s measure measureIs ipeasureIs ur urJIIs Intended Intend d to deal d with 1U some of these de defects tiert j jfectsrt fects In railway management man eaMQt but railway railwaymanagers J railwaymanagers lwaJ lwaJmanagersmanagers have already taken hold of the thematter u umatt8l themattermatter and are endeavoring to arrive at atsome atIiOIDe atsomesome method of keeping cars employed employedand employedand employedandand available at points where needed neededIt neededIt neededItIt is important to railway managers to toapply toapply toapplyapply the requisite remedy remed for admitted admitteddeficiencies admlttedd admitteddehelenelesdeficiencies d ele ele in the he management of their theirproperties tIteirproperu theirpropertiesproperties for hi the present temper of ofth orthe oftheth the public p Hc there is I bound to be strong strongdemand strongdemand t1OD t1ODdemaacidemand for fMrtper t1lr r national nationa Uoaal regulation regulationof regulationoiof the highways hlghv of o commerce unless un the tbejust thejust thejustjust and reasonable demands s of shippers shippersfor shipperstor hIpper hIpperforfor accommodation owftodatlon can be mat Legis Legislation Lepatlon Leglelatlos lation cannot t supply equipment but it itcan IteaR Itcaircan supply Ply remedies for some of the theother theother theotherother evils si11 now complained o of oj To avoid avoidgovernment avoidgoWJIIUe avoidgotsrnmeettgovernment management t the railroads railroadsshould raUro8dsfi railroadsiAoudshould fi lOUkl look lqok to it that their own methods methodsofof operation operat are beyond criticism criticismProsperity erltJeIMIP critielemProepolttrvtProsperity P Proepolttrvt rl Even Ev the Presidential Pre lcJewUal mes message BMBlCe moe4age sage lCe crop amaah smashes s all records recordsThe r recordsTue COntaTheThe Chinaman in InThe n Manchuria l1nncburJnThe ManchuriaTheThe It elusive peive Chinaman and the subtle subtlepart 8UbUepart subtlepartpart he played in the war in Manchuria Manchuriaar MaackurIIUar por port made to the War ar Department of ofpersonal ofper1 ofperionlpersonal observations of the milttaiy milttaiyoperations mmtJUJo mIlItzyoperationsoperations o rats of the Japanese army by Col ColWalter Cola1ter CclWalterWalter a1ter S Schuyler late lat of our General Generalifftaff Gen Generalftaff ra1 ra1ttifftaff tt The reports from that and other otherHources otherIIOUrca ethercourcesHources are U only now beginning to be beavailable beavall beavailableavailable avall We from the military information informationdivision InformatJondivision Informationdivisiondivision of the War Department DepartmentCeL Dep Depertnientcot rtDIent rtDIentCeLCeL Schuyler finds himself btmsef able to totestify totesUfy totestifytestify to the skill of the Chinese in inevasion InevaslOft Inevasionevasion and deception It was impos impossible Imposble Imposnible sible ble he says s to determine whether the theChinese theChlne theChineacChinese e inhabitants were with itA the Rue Russians RuMans Ruesinus Mans or the Japanese although naturally naturallyinin the presence pre nce of th t > Russians they bad badmuch muInmeh badrauchmuch to say against the Japanese One Onething Onetblng Onethingthing was itn apparent to the th most casual casualobserver ealobserver canualobserverobserver and nd that Ul t was the wellgrounded wellgroundedand ngroundedandand justifiable uattiiabIe fear of being left unpro unprotected unprotected unprotected tected between the withdrawal wltJ tirawal of one onearray onearmy onearmyarmy and nd the arrival of the other They Theyknew Theyknew TheVknewknew by considerable experience experle ee said saidCol dCot saiiColCol Schuylar that at such a time they theywould t theywould e eWGuldwould be unmercifully robbed by their theirown theirown theirownown people and it was reported on good goodauthority goodauthorl goodauthorityauthority authorl in Liaoyang that in antici anticipation antlCpaUoa anticipation pation of the withdrawal of the Rue Russians RttJllana Rueslans sians the t e organized org nlZ4d bands of Hunnuzas Hunnuzashad Hunku8sbad Hunhuzeshadhad made elaborate plans for the looting lootingofof the dty It became known to the theRussian theRusetaa tbeRussIanRussian comnianderlnchlef that the theChinese theChinese theChinesChinese commander Ma bad arranged to toattack toattack toattackattack the Russians with a force of 20660 20660Chinese 20600Chinese 2OOOChineseChinese soldiers in the vicinity of Mukden Mukdenand Mukdenand Mukdenandand the Russians in making plans for foradvance toradvance foradvanceadvance had to consider this threat threatwhich threatbleb threatwhichwhich bleb it was understood says Col ColSchuyier CotScbuler colSebnylerSchuyier 4was was first written to the Rus Russian Russlal1 Rueelan sian viceroy vlcero by the Chinese e Empress EmpressDowager BmpreesDo8ger mprees mpreesDowagerDowager DowagerThe Do8gerThe DowagerTheThe Chinese were employed extensively extensivelybyby both sides as s spies but tb tla Japanese Japaneseappeared JaPJte5eappeeroo Japaseappearodappeared to make mak most of these secrat secratagents soor sooragenta socrtagentsagents for the Russian commanders commanderswere commanderswere commandersworewere frequently misled by their Own Ownspies bwnplea ownspiesspies plea who were evidently prompted prompt d by bythe bythe bythethe Japanese to make certain reports reportsOn rOJOrtsOn reportsOnOn one occasion the Russian officer In Incharge Incharge Inchargecharge was fturled arrlett by a series of con tradictory tra let8ry reports regarding the tit Japanese Japaneseadvance Jtptlneseadvaaee Japaneseadvanceadvance the Information coming from fromHis frombit fromhimHis Chinese spies who had evidently been beancarefully beencarefuUy beencarefullycarefully coached for the purpose DU P05e of pro provoking proYOking provoicing YOking the Russian Ru elan commander eomman r by keep keeping keepIns keepleg Ins him up to unnecessary alertness and andao andsoao contributing to the fatigue and din dlscoaragemant dlMCOIIragenunt dinconragemettcoaragemant of his forces More Mor than thanthis thanthla thanthisthis the Russians discovered that their theirscreened theirJlCreenoo theirscreenedscreened positions were revealed to the theJapanese theJap theJapaneseJapanese Jap nese by the Chinese spies and nd it itwas Itwas itwaswas of report that the Chinese apparently apparentlyworking aPlMlrentlyworking apparentlyworkingworking in the fields indicated IlKltc Wd to the theJapanese theJaplle theJapaneseJapanese 9 the position po of the Russian Russiantroops RuStilantroops RussiantroopStroops and in this way aided the Japa Japanese Japanese Japanose nese gunners There was adds Cot CeLSchuyler ColSchuyler CotSehuylerSchuyler at t least one authentic case in inwhich Sawh hiwhichwhich wh which h this waa true true and I have a copy copyof CGpYof copyofof V 1 picture made from an actaal pho photograph photograph photograph tograph of o the Chinese e caught in the act actof aetor actofof signaling JiI Ung with a tinS to the Japanese Japanesebatteries Japan JapanbIltte Japanesebattei4esbatteries batteriesAccording bIltte battei4esAccording N NAeeorcllagAccording to the military observer the theChinese theCbln theOhinemoChinese Cbln e in Manchuria introduced an ole element ele element olemacnt ment of great uncertainty and presented presentedtbe preeoRWdtlw presentedthethe > factor of real annoyance against againstwhich ag8fnstwhich againstwhichwhich the Russians found It sometimes sometimesdifficult aometfmedltIkult sometimesdifdifficult dif cult to adequately cope eo cop It was waaaltogether wa waaltogether wasaltogetheraltogether a somewhat s s l1lewkt new and assuredly assuredlyinteresting aasurtdlyInlerea aneuredlyinterestinginteresting Inlerea DI sidelight 8icIell t on the situation hi hiManchuria Ialancbuna inManchuriaManchuria ManchuriaHad lancbunaHad ManchuriaHadHad Congress C gre suspected su pe ted that t it was to tobe tobe tobebe swamped with language ItngUllgc like that it itmight Italpt itmightmight have been more wilting to sItu stmpttfy simplify sItuplWypttfy It ItMr lr Bryce Icc ns Ambassador AmbassadorItIt is a fortunate coincidence that tJIa t the theKnglijOiman UMEftgU theZngImenKnglijOiman EftgU ZngImen MaJt who wrote the very beet beatbook beetok beetbaokbook en the American commonwealth commonwealthknown eomlllOftwalthknown commonwealthknownknown to all U literature is to be appointed appointedAmbassador appointedAmdor appointedAnbaasadorAmbassador from Great Britain to the theUnited theUnited theUnitedUnited States Stat If there is one man It who whoought whoouSb1 whooughtought to be b en rapport with the Amer American AMerIcan Amerlain ican peoiUe pooIc their itwtitutfons their theiridiosyncrasies tltetrI theirIdIosyncrasIesidiosyncrasies I ynerasles and their ideate James JamesBryce JamesBrree JamesBryceBryce is ihat man He has studied us uswith HIih pewlitwith ih a friendly mind mhWI He H has judged jud us usfairly usfairlY usfairlyfairly and nd accurately He will 1 there therefore therefore therefore fore be accorded a cordial dlal welcome t tthe u uthe ILthethe United States StatesIt StatsIt StatesItIt has ha been the custom in the t past for forGreat torGreat forGreatGreat Britain rltaln to regard the position doD of ofAmbassador ofAmfor ofAmbasanforAmfor Ambassador to the United States ttes a aM ap apparently apparently appatently parently of little importance The Brtt Britten Brttbib Brttlab ten representatives here while they have haven bareecn ve11 ecn n men of line character have bavetOt bavetOtjebJeved not notchieved notAch1evodjebJeved chieved toe highest rank in diplomacy diplomacyoror 0I any other field of service The United UnitedStates UaltedStates l7eltedStatesStates on the other hand baa endeavored endeavoredtoto send to the Court of f St James the thehighest thedpt thehighesthighest types of American eivlmwuioo eivlmwuiooThese etvlUaUonmea elvilluetlonTheseThese men have done much to strengthen strengthenthe strStlMathethe ties between bet1 the nation They TINyve TINyveaddecI have haveadded haveaddedadded to tbe prestige pr tlge of the United States Stateson Statesonon the other side of the Atlantic AtlanticMr AtJaRtIcMr AtlanticMrMr Bryce resigns the position of chief chiefsecretary ChIOIsecretarysecretary 8 to tbe lord l ttetttenant aat of Ire Irebind IreIaDcI Irelandbind In the British Brltt cabinet in order to toaccept toaccept toacceptaccept the ambassadorship Hto mIs Hi coming comingisis a noteworthy episode ia our history historyPersistently b bPendslenUy historyPersistentlyPersistently have the ladles b been ea ad admonished admo1tl adntonlsbed monished be4 to shop early 111 and now It to toreally Iareall I Ireallyreally reall to be hoped that they will ftnten ft in inthe intile Inthethe next day or so and give the news newspaper newspaper wa wapaper paper writers and other atfvkegiirers Tkep a achance achance achancechance at the counters countersRev coun countersRev tS tSRevRev Mr lr Peters Discovers Ills Error ErrorThe ErrorThe ErrorTheThe Rev R Madison C Peters Pet has been beenInvrsUsatin beenInn beenInvestigatingInvestigating Inn U ttA the seamy Ram aid we of metro metropolitan metropelltn politan life and recording rerordln his ftndiinja ftndiinjawhere ftDclllIIPwhere Sutitasiswherewhere those th who MIll way read This Thtaclerical aclerical Thisclericalclerical muckraker has told from 0 0pclplt his hispulpit nitpulpitpulpit many 1118 salacious stories > about tbe tbewonderful tbewonderful thewonderfulwonderful doings of the smart set around aroundand aroUDdand aroundandand about the Tenderloin Te erIot It was 1 be hewho beb bewhowho b 1 only a abort time ego g


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