Everybodys Out Of Town [NEW]
Now miles away and days later, the bird has since been spotted in the River Walk neighborhood of the city. It's become the talk of the town, as videos and photos of him are now circulating online among local Facebook groups and community apps
Everybodys Out Of Town
Population, getting out of town, Population, got their running shoes, Population, wondering which road to choose, Everybody's getting out of town.They all want to leave; they would if they could, But right now the road's no good, If you're not crying, you might as well laugh, While you're trying to get out of town. Power plant, glowing in the dark, Nobody sure, what set the spark, They say the island is sinking fast, Everybody's getting out of town.Population, looking for a sign, Whose fault is it, living on the fault line? Better do better if there IS a next time, But for now, just get out of town.Population, looking for something to eat, Population, looking for what WAS the street, If you leaving, all you got is your feet, Good luck getting out of town.
In February 1938, two new plays opened on Broadway just a day apart. Both were about human mortality, both were set in small-town America, and both involved main characters who died and spoke truth from beyond the grave. Both plays had long Broadway runs, by 1930s standards, and were quickly turned into popular Hollywood movies with star-studded casts.
On this particular day a rich tourist from back west is driving thru town.He stops at the motel and lays a $100 bill on the desk saying he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one to spend the night.As soon as the man walks upstairs, the owner grabs the bill and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher.The butcher takes the $100 and runs down the street to retire his debt to the pig farmer.The pig farmer takes the $100 and heads off to pay his bill at the feed store.
But they schlepped the kids out there anyway, and both recall being delighted that first morning to find that Naperville had a dynamic downtown of its own, a quick train commute into the Loop, and a broad range of housing. By lunchtime they had decided to move to Naperville. A few months later, they were settled into a lovely stucco house built in the 1920s near the center of town.
For more than a century after its founding 175 years ago, Naperville was exactly that-a small town on a bend of the DuPage River. But just after World War II, it embarked on a 60-year spree of building new homes and offices, most of them for high-tech companies. Growth has slowed somewhat since the fevered 1980s, but Peter Burchard, the city manager, notes that more than 1,400 acres remain to be developed within the city limits.
The epicenter of all things Naperville is its downtown, the envy of many a village planner. Its necklace of anchors and attractions supplies a steady stream of diners and shoppers who spent more than $213 million there in 2004. Beyond the cash the customers bring, they instill vibrancy into a district that is the public face of the town; a study by 4Insights, a Naperville-based marketing company, reported that 90 percent of real-estate agents surveyed said the downtown attracted new homebuyers, and 93 percent said it created preference over other towns and increased home values.
Joseph Naper, a Great Lakes steamship captain, and his brother, John, arrived in the area now named after them in July 1831, to establish a claim Joseph had made on the land earlier that year. They started a sawmill and, with their partner, J. W. Peck, a trading post. When the Black Hawk War scared Peck the next year, they traded him some lots in downtown Chicago for his share in the store-evidently thinking Naperville was the better bet. John Naper left soon afterward to return to the seafaring life, but Joseph and his wife, Almeda, stuck around. By 1836, he was in the Illinois legislature, and in 1842 he laid out the streets of Naperville.
Appalachian TrailFest, a multiday festival in which all proceeds go to benefit a trip for the residents of Madison County Group Home, the town's lone medical residence for adults with complex needs, will take place in Hot Springs April 21-23.
"We have historically reserved $1,500 to get started for the next year, but everything goes to the Group Home - the duck race, the silent auction, everything. We will have 300 people along the creek and on the bridge. Everybody in town comes out."
Lassiter said the festival functions as a "warmup" event for many of the thru-hikers passing through town on their way to another annual festival, Appalachian Trail Days, a larger, more well-known festival in Damascus, Virginia.
"It also was (started) to recognize that we are the only town in North Carolina to have the Appalachian Trail running through Main Street. We are North Carolina's trail town, the only one," Hall said. "It's the first one that the northbound hikers come to - the first trail town. They look forward to being here - to resupply, to take a shower, to get their clothes clean and to take a little break, usually a day or two before getting back on the trail and heading north again.
"The festival has become Hot Springs' opening of the spring," Hall said. "We are a trail town. That's our main industry. We're an outdoor recreation town. We have people doing short day hikes, coming down the river in rafts, going to the hot springs, taking short hikes - maybe just an hour or two - all year long, except December, January and February.
Known for his love of community service, as well as for using his financial expertise creatively for the town, former Wethersfield Town Council member Michael Hurley passed away Jan. 7, after a long battle with cancer, at the age of 58.
The conversation was initiated as Landis officials addressed the possibility of a power outage that could affect town hall, which also houses a fire station. Specifically, concerns emerged over what happens if an outage prevents fire personnel from getting out of the building in response to a call.
All across the country smaller towns are feeling the impact of added inhabitants. Scenic and rural environments receive new settlers until lakeshores are in danger of being ringed by trailers or farmland gobbled up at a disconcerting rate. In vain the states create tax incentives for those who use the land for agricultural purposes. When a certain level of price is reached -- and it seems to be reached with cascading frequency -- the farmer sells out to the developer. Into these new enclaves of rusticity move families who are tired of smog, frustrated by failing systems of public transportation, subdued by the fear of crime. Here come those contemplating early retirement, who want their present home to serve them through the later years.
I think its characteristic. I think it's characteristic of a small town. Ithink there's a definite way people act from a small town as opposed to anurban center. I really, we know every neighbor. Everybody asks me how did Iknow Bob Dole? When did I first know him? He grew up here and I grew up hereand so did these guys. We knew him probably from the day he was born causethis is not a big town and when somebody's born everybody knew it.
And there wasn't, in those days there wasn't any malls or fast food places andevery store building was filled and people came to town. The farmers all cameto town cause that was a social thing to do. They enjoyed the sociability ofbeing among the townspeople.
Well, without television you can imagine people were starved for something funnyto say and to hear. So people made their own jokes and they joked about otherpeople. And one thing that was unique with our city was Saturday night on MainStreet. All the farmers came to town and without any intent to buy very much,but to talk. They came to town to see who else was there. Everybody lined thestreets in their cars. They brought the whole family. And occasionallysomebody'd get out and find somebody they'd want to talk to and there werethese groups of people standing around all over on the street, talking. And soyou can imagine that there had to be some humor and some jokes being told aboutthe neighbor and what this guy couldn't get. I remember a lot of stories weretold about Sam Miller, keeping his thumb on the scale. There were a lot ofstories like that. They made fun of the merchants, the one's that they thoughtneeded it. And yeah, a lot of good stories told about merchants.
Their ideal boy. That's what it was. And anyway he had a following. He washonest. We knew that. And so we hired him because he had a following. Yousee as I said before, there were no malls and no fast food places. Soeverybody gathered at the drug store. It was the watering hole for the town.The ladies coming downtown to shop would come to the drug store and meet there.And then they'd go shop. Or after school, the kids just flocked into the drugstore and wrestled each other for a booth or a place to sit. And Bob had hisfollowing and that's why we hired him.
Well, I saw Bob Dole when he first came home. They got a hospital bed for himin his house. He couldn't walk. He couldn't walk at all and he was soemaciated. He was just skin and bones. Frail and weak. And you now for awhile he would stand up beside that bed and then fall back on it. And then,after a little while, after he stood for a while, he learned to take a fewsteps around the bedroom. And finally he was walking out in front of thehouse, up and down the sidewalk. And then one day he walked clear downtown.Down to the drug store. Had a malt. I remember that. Everybody was glad tosee him. But it took a hard...
Oh, yes. He's a sentimental person. He's never forgotten his roots. I don'tknow whether he was or not, but I thought he was thinking of his Dad, you know,at that time. And think how far he did come from a little old town likeRussell.
No he hasn't. Well, I know I was in the audience. I never saw a towngalvanize like this in my life. The town just collectively gathered togetherin one fell swoop and welcomed these people and did all the things they askedus to and more. And I was amazed. But I was assigned to the press corps and Itried to help them where do you go and how do you get from A to B and so on.And that was my job. And I was sitting up in the bleachers where they had thepress corps and there was a lady from Boston, and when he got to this point Iwas like you, I could feel it coming. And I thought, "Ah, he's not going tomake it. He's losing it." And I felt for him cause it's embarrassing a littlewhen you can't control your emotions. At the same time it was so natural andso believing. And she said to me, "What is he doing?" And I said, "Well, he'scrying. He's a very, very compassionate man. This is a time when heremembered Russell and all it stood for. It was a very, very heavy time." Andshe started in writing quickly about this particular moment. And it wasrecorded by the press all over at that point in time. I think it was perhapsone of the first times that this had happened. I know it was very moving. Ihad a very hard time. It was as hard for me as it was for him. 041b061a72